TheĀ Saturday Boardroom

Get one actionable tip on leadership and growth for your nonprofit organization in your inbox each Saturday morning.

TSB 018: Raising Funds: 7 Tips for New Nonprofit Leaders fundraising growth leadership nonprofit the saturday boardroom Feb 18, 2023

Read Time: 5 minutes

This week's tip: Here are seven tips new nonprofit leaders can use to start fundraising.

Raising funds for a nonprofit organization can seem like a daunting task....

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TSB 017: How to Know If Your Nonprofit's Org Culture Needs Work growth leadership nonprofit the saturday boardroom workplace culture Feb 11, 2023

Read Time: 2 minutes

This week's tip: Three non-obvious ways to know your nonprofit organizational culture needs work, and what to do about it.

Here are a few observations you might...

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TSB 016: Success or Failure is in Nonprofit Financial Statements growth leadership metrics nonprofit the saturday boardroom Feb 04, 2023

Read Time: 2 minutes

This week's tip: A targeted review of financial statements can make or break your first 90 days as a nonprofit CEO or Executive Director

Let’s be honest, most...

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TSB 015: How Executives Address Poor Performance growth leadership nonprofit staff retention the saturday boardroom workplace culture Jan 21, 2023

Read Time: 2 minutes

This week's tip: Don’t hesitate to address poor performance. Your top talent is counting on you.

Executive leaders must deliver results while retaining top...

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TSB 014: Effective Executives are Decision-Trainers NOT Decision-Makers growth intuitive leadership nonprofit staff retention the saturday boardroom workplace culture Jan 07, 2023

Read Time: 2 minutes

This week's tip: Here's how to train your direct reports to make great decisions on their own.

One of the key mistakes I see executives make is being the source of all...

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TSB 013: How to Prepare for the 1st 90 Days as a Nonprofit CEO or ED efficiency first 90 days growth leadership nonprofit the saturday boardroom Dec 17, 2022

Read Time: 2 minutes

This week's tip: Here is a sample schedule for the 30 days before starting your new role as a Nonprofit CEO or Executive Director.

There's a lot to plan and prepare in the...

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TSB 012: Are You Gaining Efficiency or Wasting Time? efficiency growth leadership nonprofit the saturday boardroom Nov 26, 2022

Read Time: 2 minutes

This week's tip: How to know if the time you invest in automation is saving or wasting time.

There is a complicated table that has appeared in various places since at least...

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TSB 011: Best Practices for Staff Retention growth leadership nonprofit staff retention the saturday boardroom workplace culture Nov 12, 2022

Read Time: 1 minute

This week's tip:  Nonprofit leaders should attend this free facilitated discussion

The Saturday Boardroom is excited to announce an upcoming event this Thursday, Nov 17th:...
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TSB 010: Stop Hiring Headless Monsters & Start Hiring the Whole Person growth hiring leadership nonprofit predictive index the saturday boardroom workplace culture Nov 05, 2022

Read Time: 4 minutes

This week's tip: Start Hiring With Certainty

Most leaders have no idea who the real person is behind the compelling resume and polished interviewee they just...

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TSB 009: Attract the Right Talent Using this Job Posting Analyzer growth hiring leadership nonprofit predictive index the saturday boardroom workplace culture Oct 22, 2022

Read Time: 2 minutes

This week's tip: Using the Job Posting Analyzer + Behavioral and Cognitive Assessments = Data-Driven Hiring

Most people spend more time gathering data on the restaurant...
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TSB 008: 2023 Nonprofit Goal Setting In One Board Meeting efficiency governance growth leadership metrics nonprofit the saturday boardroom Oct 08, 2022


Read Time: 2 minutes

This week's tip: Goal Setting With Your Nonprofit Board Can Be Efficient and Productive!

It's fall and you're settling into the fourth quarter. The final fundraising...
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TSB 007: Unleashing Your Leadership Power with Data growth leadership nonprofit predictive index the saturday boardroom workplace culture Sep 24, 2022

Read Time: 1 minute

This week's tip:  Data + Intuition is a Powerful Combination

If you only knew what makes people tick…

Because you can’t afford to make another misstep in...

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The Saturday Boardroom

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