TSB 013: How to Prepare for the 1st 90 Days as a Nonprofit CEO or ED
This week's tip: Here is a sample schedule for the 30 days before starting your new role as a Nonprofit CEO or Executive Director.
There's a lot to plan and prepare in the months and weeks leading up to your first day as a nonprofit Executive Director or CEO!
In my experience, it's common to have thirty to ninety days for smaller organizations and three to six months for larger organizations. Your 30-Day Planning Schedule assumes the smallest reasonable timeframe to provide the most value. If you'd like to see a longer timeline, please send us a note or give us a call.

Feel free to adapt this timeline to fit your own and add more opportunities to meet your team and members of the organization.
The more listening you can do and information you gather, the better off you'll be in the new role.
See you next Saturday.
Whenever you're ready, there are three ways we can help you: