TSB 054: Leadership is not what you think it is...

leadership the saturday boardroom workplace culture Jan 06, 2024
TSB 054: Leadership is not what you think it is...

Read Time: Less than 1 minute

This week's tip:  Leadership in 2024 is different.  Here’s what I mean…


Leadership is not about having a vision, it's about communicating your vision in a way that connects with others.


Leadership is not about making decisions, it’s about including the right people in the decision-making process.


Leadership is not about exerting your influence, it’s about listening to hear what’s not being said.


Leadership is not about fairness, it’s about equitizing your approach to individuals.


Leadership is not about making your team better, it's about focusing on the individual strengths of each team member.


Leadership is not about owning your competitors, it's about knowing what makes you successful and owning it.


Leadership is not about having all the data, all the facts, and being more informed than others, it's about knowing your people and inspiring them to do their best work.


That's all for today. I'll see you again next Saturday!


Whenever you're ready, there are three ways we can help you:

  1. Register for one of our upcoming workshops here. 
  2. Learn the strengths and growth areas for your team and its members here.
  3. Get expert advice to help transform the culture of your organization and develop better leaders here. 

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