TSB 037: Onboarding an Influx of New Board Members: Part 3

board development governance growth leadership nonprofit the saturday boardroom Jul 26, 2023
TSB 037: Onboarding an Influx of New Board Members: Part 3

Read Time: 2 minutes

This week's tip:  9 Essential Tips for Preparing New Board Members for Fundraising and Committee Service.

A few weeks ago, we went over the Board's role and then we covered Preparing for Board MeetingsToday, I want to share some valuable tips on how to help new board members get off to a great start with fundraising and serving on committees.

Let's dive in!

  1. Cultivate an Inclusive and Supportive Environment: Remember, your new board members are joining your nonprofit because they believe in its mission. From day one, make them feel like valued team players. Encourage open dialogue, provide a warm welcome, and familiarize them with the existing board members. Create a sense of camaraderie where everyone feels comfortable sharing ideas and collaborating.

  2. Clearly Define Roles and Expectations: To ensure a smooth transition into the board, it's crucial to communicate the responsibilities of board members clearly. Outline the specific expectations regarding fundraising efforts and committee involvement. By setting well-defined objectives, you empower your board members to understand their roles and contribute effectively.

  3. Develop a Fundraising Orientation Program: Some board members may have experience with fundraising, while others might be novices. Offer a comprehensive orientation program that covers the fundamentals of fundraising strategies, best practices, and the organization's specific fundraising goals. Provide them with the tools and resources needed to succeed, such as case studies, success stories, and access to fundraising experts if possible.

  4. Assign Mentorship and Peer Support: Pair new board members with experienced mentors who can guide them through the initial phase. A mentor can offer insights, answer questions, and provide valuable feedback. Additionally, encourage peer support among board members, fostering a collaborative environment where they can learn from one another.

  5. Foster a Culture of Learning: Fundraising techniques and committee service may be new to some board members, but that should not deter them. Encourage continuous learning by organizing workshops, webinars, or training sessions related to fundraising and committee best practices. When board members feel supported in their learning journey, they will be more confident in taking an active role.

  6. Set Achievable Fundraising Goals: Help your board members set realistic fundraising targets based on their individual capacity and skills. Avoid overwhelming them with overly ambitious goals, as it could lead to discouragement. Instead, focus on incremental progress and celebrate every achievement, big or small, to keep motivation levels high.

  7. Showcase Success Stories: Share success stories from past fundraising campaigns and committee initiatives. Highlight how these efforts have positively impacted the organization's mission and beneficiaries. Success stories serve as inspiring examples, motivating board members to work together towards making a tangible difference.

  8. Encourage Board Member Participation in Committees: Committees play a vital role in the smooth functioning of the nonprofit. Encourage your board members to actively participate in committees that align with their skills and interests. This involvement not only enhances their understanding of the organization's inner workings but also strengthens their commitment to its success.

  9. Recognize and Appreciate Contributions: Appreciation goes a long way in fostering a sense of belonging and loyalty among board members. Recognize and acknowledge the efforts of your board in fundraising and committee service regularly. A simple "thank you" can make all the difference in keeping them engaged and motivated.

Onboarding nonprofit board members is an essential step in maximizing their potential to drive positive change. By fostering an inclusive, supportive, and empowering environment, you will enable your board members to flourish and contribute meaningfully to your organization's mission. Together, you can create a force for good that leaves a lasting impact on the communities you serve. 

That's all for today. I'll see you again next Saturday!

Whenever you're ready, there are three ways we can help you:

  1. Register for one of our upcoming workshops here
  2. Book me to speak at your upcoming event here.
  3. Explore our consulting services here.

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