TSB 033: 🚀 Learn from Coach Kendall and Level Up Your Game

growth intuitive leadership nonprofit the saturday boardroom workplace culture Jun 17, 2023
TSB 033: 🚀 Learn from Coach Kendall and Level Up Your Game

Read Time: 2 minutes

This week's tip:  When we know and align the strengths of our team to their role, we all win.

As the mom of a high jumper, and I spend a lot of time at indoor and outdoor track meets. They are social events that combine logistics, precise timing, top-notch athletes, and a bit of entertainment. But what I've come to realize is that success on the track is all about aligning talent and preparing in the most intuitive way.

My son's coach, Kendall, is not just passionate about track and field; she's deeply committed to helping each young athlete reach their full potential. Leading a youth track team requires patience, clear communication, and a keen understanding of each child's unique abilities.

At the start of each season, Coach Kendall takes the time to get to know each athlete and their aspirations. She focuses on developing the strengths of every individual on the team. It's amazing to see how she coaches one athlete on speed and another on their remarkable jumping ability. She recognizes the importance of harnessing these individual talents and aligning them with the team's overall objectives.

Coach Kendall's approach is intuitive work in action. She assigns specific events to each athlete based on their talents. There's a young lady on the team who is a sprinting sensation, leaving her competitors in the dust. Another young man showcases his incredible jumping skills in the long jump and high jump events, consistently earning valuable points for the team. And there's a third athlete, with her strategic mindset, who becomes the anchor of the relay team, ensuring smooth baton exchanges and guiding the team towards success.

What impresses me the most about Coach Kendall is her clear communication and focus on individual and team goals. Before each competition, she gathers the athletes and their parents in the team huddle. She delivers inspiring speeches, boosting their confidence and fostering a sense of camaraderie. Coach Kendall outlines the targets they aim to achieve and emphasizes the importance of teamwork and supporting one another.

As the season progresses, I've noticed how the athletes grow in confidence and skill. They approach their events with a sense of joy and determination, just like their work flows effortlessly. Each young athlete intuitively understands their role in the team's strategy, collaborating seamlessly to achieve their shared goals. Of course, there are occasional disagreements or big disappointments, but Coach Kendall doesn't swoop in and solve the problems for them. She encourages the athletes to work it out, identify what they can do better, and keep moving closer to their goals.

Coach Kendall's leadership extends beyond just the competitions. She has fostered a culture of continuous learning, encouraging the athletes to analyze their performances, identify areas for improvement, and strive for personal growth. When my son is struggling with a problem, I find myself saying, "What would Coach Kendall say?"

Just like leaders cultivate a learning mindset in the workplace, Coach Kendall nurtures a supportive environment where young athletes can develop their skills and excel.

I've learned so much about talent alignment, clear communication, a culture of continuous improvement, and making work more intuitive from Coach Kendall. And I hope you can learn from her too.

These principles can apply more broadly than track and field and to many aspects of our lives and work. It's amazing what can be achieved when we align talents, communicate effectively, and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

So, let's take a page from Coach Kendall's playbook and make our work more intuitive and fulfilling. 

That's all for today. I'll see you again next Saturday!

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  1. Register for one of our upcoming workshops here
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