TSB 026: Maximizing Fundraising with an Effective Nonprofit Board

board development fundraising governance leadership nonprofit the saturday boardroom Apr 15, 2023
TSB 026: Maximizing Fundraising with an Effective Nonprofit Board

Read Time: 5 minutes

This week's tip: 10 Steps to develop a donor-attracting nonprofit board of directors. 

Your board of directors plays a crucial role in helping you achieve your mission and goals. Not only do they provide guidance and direction, but they are also responsible for fundraising and donor cultivation. However, building a strong, donor-attracting board of directors can be a challenging task. In this post, we will provide you with 10 tips for developing a board that will help your nonprofit attract donors and thrive.

  1. If you haven't done so already, clarify your mission and vision statement.  It will help you attract the right board members who share your passion and commitment. This statement should communicate what your organization does, who it serves, and why it matters. You can use this statement to attract board members who have the skills and expertise needed to achieve your goals and who share your vision.

  2. Define the characteristics, skills, and experience that you're looking for in board members. Consider creating a board member job description that outlines the expectations and responsibilities of board members. This will help you attract candidates who have the skills and experience needed to contribute to your organization's success.

  3. Recruiting the right board members is key to building a strong board. Consider reaching out to your network and existing donors to identify potential candidates. You can also use social media, online platforms, and other high-traffic sites to advertise your board positions. When recruiting, make sure you are clear about your organization's mission and the expectations of board members.

  4. Once you have recruited new board members, it's important to orient them to the organization and their role on the board. Provide them with a board manual that includes information about the organization's mission, history, bylaws, and policies. You can also provide them with training on nonprofit governance and fundraising.

  5. Your board members should be your organization's biggest supporters and advocates. Encourage them to make a personal financial contribution to the organization and to ask others to do the same. Create a culture of giving by recognizing and thanking board members for their contributions and encouraging them to share their passion for your organization with others.

  6. Empower your board members by giving them the tools and resources they need to be successful. Provide them with access to donor lists, fundraising tools, and marketing materials. Encourage them to take on leadership roles and to bring their unique skills and expertise to the organization.

  7. Fundraising is a key responsibility of your board members. Create clear fundraising goals and strategies that align with your organization's mission and vision. Provide your board members with the training and support they need to be effective fundraisers.

  8. Building strong relationships with donors is crucial to the success of your nonprofit. Encourage your board members to cultivate relationships with donors by thanking them, updating them on the organization's progress, and involving them in the organization's activities. Consider creating a donor stewardship plan to ensure that donors are consistently engaged and appreciated.

  9. Regularly evaluate the performance of your board members and the board as a whole. Consider using a board self-assessment tool or working with a consultant to evaluate board performance. Use this feedback to make improvements and to ensure that your board is functioning effectively.

  10. Finally, celebrate your successes and learn from your failures. Recognize and thank board members for their contributions and achievements. Take the time to reflect on what worked and what didn't and use this information to make improvements.

That's all for today. I'll see you again next Saturday!

Whenever you're ready, there are three ways we can help you:

  1. Register for one of our upcoming workshops here
  2. Book me to speak at your upcoming event here.
  3. Explore our consulting services here.

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