TSB 020: Your New Secret Weapon - Promoting From Within

growth leadership nonprofit restructuring staff retention workplace culture Mar 04, 2023
TSB 020: Your New Secret Weapon - Promoting From Within

Read Time: 2 minutes

This week's tip: Here are ten reasons why promoting from within your organization makes you a great leader.

I'm sure you've seen a nonprofit leader that has an amazing ability to get things done and is admired by many. 

Have you ever wondered what's their secret?

I'll tell you.

They promote from within and they take good people with them as they grow in their career.

Why?  Promoting talented employees demonstrates your loyalty, leads to higher levels of engagement and job satisfaction, and saves your organization time and resources that might otherwise be spent on external recruiting and training. 

Here are 10 reasons promoting from within should be your go-to strategy for creating a great culture:

  1. Allows you to choose employees who are already familiar with the organization's mission, values, and culture.
  2. Demonstrates your commitment to employee development and provides opportunities for career advancement.
  3. Encourages loyalty because employees are more likely to feel valued and invested in their work.
  4. Increases retention rates by providing growth opportunities and demonstrating a commitment to employee development.
  5. Saves time and money on the hiring and onboarding processes.
  6. Boosts morale and lead to a more positive work environment.
  7. Transitions are smoother when the new hire needs to learn the role only, not the organization, leadership, culture and systems.
  8. Demonstrates trust and confidence in current employees, which can lead to increased productivity and job satisfaction.
  9. Increases diversity within an organization when employees from different backgrounds and experiences move up the career ladder.
  10. Reinforces company culture for employees who have already demonstrated a commitment to the organization's mission and values.  They are more likely to embody and promote them.

Promoting from within is a win for both your nonprofit and your employees. So, take the time to identify and develop your internal talent, and watch as your organization flourishes.


That's all for today, I'll see you again next Saturday!

On March 29, 2023, we will host an interactive Zoom Meeting to discuss best practices for restructuring your nonprofit to maximize your impact. It will be offered at 12 PM EDT/11 AM CDT/10 AM MDT/9 AM PDT.  For our international clients, this is the same as 16:00 UTC.

We will explore:

  1. Assessing the need for restructuring
  2. Developing a clear restructuring strategy; and 
  3. Implementing the plan effectively. 

We will provide examples of successful nonprofit restructuring efforts from around the world while sharing best practices and lessons learned.

This open forum will be an opportunity for you to ask questions, get answers, and learn from others. 

After this live session, we hope you'll feel empowered to consider restructuring as a strategic option for achieving your mission and creating positive change. 

Here is the link: Register Here.

 *Event has passed

Whenever you're ready, there are three ways we can help you:

  1. Register for one of our upcoming workshops here
  2. Book me to speak at your upcoming event here.
  3. Explore our consulting services here.

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