TSB 019: When Should Your Nonprofit Consider Restructuring?

growth leadership nonprofit restructuring the saturday boardroom workplace culture Feb 25, 2023
TSB 019: When Should Your Nonprofit Consider Restructuring?

Read Time: 2 minutes

This week's tip: Here are three tips on how to know if it's time to restructure your organization.

As a nonprofit executive, you have dedicated countless hours to furthering your mission and creating positive change in your community. Still, declining revenue, a lack of outcomes, or a changing external environment may signal the need to undergo a restructuring process for your organization to achieve its full potential.

Here’s how to know.

  1. If your organization is struggling financially, it's important to take a step back and reassess your operations. Are there areas where you could cut costs or become more efficient? Would restructuring specific programs or departments lead to a more sustainable financial future for your organization?
  2. Are your programs and services making the impact you want to see? If not, it may be time to reevaluate. A restructuring process can help you identify areas where you can make improvements and realign your resources to better achieve your goals.
  3. Has your external environment significantly shifted? The world is constantly evolving, and nonprofits need to adapt to keep up with the changing landscape. For example, if there is a new social issue emerging that your organization is not equipped to address, a restructuring process can help you pivot and realign your resources to better address that issue.

Ultimately, the decision to restructure is a complex one that requires careful consideration and planning. 

It's vital to assess all of the factors at play and ensure that you have the support and buy-in of your staff and stakeholders before embarking on a restructuring process. 

A well-planned and executed restructuring process can lead to a more effective and sustainable organization that can better achieve its mission and create lasting positive change in the world.

On March 29, 2023, we will host an interactive Zoom Meeting to discuss best practices for restructuring your nonprofit to maximize your impact. It will be offered at 12 PM EDT/11 AM CDT/10 AM MDT/9 AM PDT.  For our international clients, this is the same as 16:00 UTC.

We will explore:

  1. Assessing the need for restructuring
  2. Developing a clear restructuring strategy; and 
  3. Implementing the plan effectively. 

We will provide examples of successful nonprofit restructuring efforts from around the world while sharing best practices and lessons learned.

This open forum will be an opportunity for you to ask questions, get answers, and learn from others. 

After this live session, we hope you'll feel empowered to consider restructuring as a strategic option for achieving your mission and creating positive change. 

Event has passed.

 See you next Saturday.

Whenever you're ready, there are three ways we can help you:

  1. Register for one of our upcoming workshops here
  2. Book me to speak at your upcoming event here.
  3. Explore our consulting services here.



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