TSB 012: Are You Gaining Efficiency or Wasting Time?

efficiency growth leadership nonprofit the saturday boardroom Nov 26, 2022
TSB 012: Are You Gaining Efficiency or Wasting Time?

Read Time: 2 minutes

This week's tip: How to know if the time you invest in automation is saving or wasting time.

There is a complicated table that has appeared in various places since at least 2012 that I've used to help determine whether our attempts to transition from manual processes to automation are worth the effort.  My version of "Is the juice worth the squeeze?"

One of the problems with the table is that it assumes you will continue to complete the task for the next five years, which is very unlikely these days.

This week, I took on the challenge of creating a calculator to give you the benefit of being able to answer this critical question in a simple way.

Test it out here and let me know what you think.

 I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

See you again next Saturday.

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  1. Register for one of our upcoming workshops here
  2. Book me to speak at your upcoming event here.
  3. Explore our consulting services here.

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